Religion and public life

Bruce T. Murray has written two books on religion, politics and the First Amendment: Religious Liberty in America: The First Amendment in Historical and Contemporary Perspective, published by University of Massachusetts Press in 2008; and Religious Liberty in America: Navigating the First Amendment in the Newsroom and Beyond, published by the Foundation for American Communications in 2005.
Murray has continued to cover religion and politics. His articles, newsletters and book reviews of Religious Liberty in America are indexed as follows:
Civil religion defined
A series of concise descriptions of this elusive phenomena.
An archive of newsletters Murray has written about the religion and politics since 2008.
An archive of articles Murray has written about religion and public life.
The First Amendment
SageLaw section on religious liberty and the First Amendment.
Radio interviews
Bruce Murray comments on issues related to the First Amendment and religious liberty.
News Annotations
An annotated digest of news items related to the First Amendment.
UMass Press catalog
The University of Massachusetts Press catalog entry for Religious Liberty in America.
Visualizing religious liberty
A Flash demo of the book
Book reviews
Religious Liberty in America has been reviewed in more than 10 scholarly publications and media outlets. The Association of College and Research Libraries named Religious Liberty in America “Outstanding Academic Book.”
Religious Liberty in America has also received its share of criticism.
Focus on the law
See book reviews focusing on the legal issues covered in Religious Liberty in America.
Scholarly citations
Religious Liberty in America has been cited in several scholarly publications and law review articles.
In the classroom
Religious Liberty in America is in use in several university courses.
Media citations
Religious Liberty in America has been cited in numerous news publications.